Friday, March 11, 2011

Managing your online identity: The SAFE Method

Most people today have online profiles and connections, and share their ideas and experiences online with others. Online activity blurs the line between private and public communication, and between personal and professional. So in today’s digital age I have found it important to consider my presence and identity in online spaces. I have created a simple acronym which represents four basic steps you can take to manage your online identity:
·       “S”= Search & Sort – Discover what’s “out there” regarding your name and identity. Conduct a search for your name using a popular search engine or media aggregator. Search your name on popular social networks as well, to double-check your privacy filters and determine what information is public.
·       “A” = Analyze – Determine whether or not the results you have found match your personal and work objectives. Do you have content published that is unflattering or misleading? Is there another person of the same name that is overshadowing or potentially skewing your online presence?
·       “F” Focus – Utilize social media tools and applications to help you manage your online content. Consider separating your personal and professional content, either by establishing separate profiles or at minimum by selectively filtering and publishing based on channel (e.g. "personal" content for Facebook, "professional" for LinkedIn). Publish online content with a purpose, so it moves you toward your objectives.
·       “E” = Engage – Build your online presence and reputation by contributing to blogs, forums, and white papers. Share interesting links and articles with others. Utilize industry webinars, online conferences, and virtual events to learn and build your professional network. 
      Popular Facebook author Mari Smith recently wrote a related article regarding personal and professional Facebook profiles/pages at: Click here for Mari Smith blog article
     Mashable also had a related article last year in regard to cleaning up your online social identity at: Cleaning up Your Social Media Identity.
     What do you think of my SAFE method to assess your online/social identity? Search your name in popular search engines and media aggregators and let me know of your experience with this process. I look forward to your comments and feedback! 

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