Thursday, July 7, 2011

Facebook Top Ten Fan Motivations

Social media (and Facebook in particular) is ALL about relationship. So if you want a consumer's "Like" or love (and consequently their patronage) you MUST provide value and take time to cultivate a conversation. It's the old adage "WIIFM" (What's In It For Me)? So, listen to your customers and respond with engaging and relevant content.

Based on a report from CoTweet & ExactTarget, as published in the book Likeable Social Media by Dave Kerpen:
  1. To receive discounts and promos
  2. To show support for brand to friends
  3. To get a "freebie" (e.g. free samples, coupons)
  4. To stay informed about company activities
  5. For updates on future projects
  6. For updates on upcoming sales
  7. Just for fun
  8. To get access to exclusive content
  9. To learn more about the company
  10. For education about company topics
Dave notes that "it's essential to develop (a) value proposition and then integrate it into your communications with customers and prospects" (p. 55). I totally agree.  And if you want more tips on succeeding in Social Media, then Dave Kerpen's book "Likeable" is a must read. 

Note: This is not a paid endorsement, just my own opinion

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