Thursday, July 8, 2010

Indian Culture Lecture

Monday July 5, 2010:

We began our first academic day at MICA today with a session, for both the undergraduate and graduate group, on Indian Culture. The lecture was by a very knowledgable man, Sunil Parekh, of B Tech ITT India. He spoke about many facets of this multi-lingual, multi-racial, multi-religious country which also has such a large population and such diverse climates and agronomy. He was a very engaging speaker and I found the lecture to be fascinating. Unfortunately, toward the end of it I began to have very painful stomach cramps. By the time we returned to our home (about 12:30pm) I felt terrible. I missed our first session of the graduate Research Methodology class and went back to bed instead.
By the end of the day I wasn't feeling much better. I think the steady diet of Indian food caught up with me. Ugh. Sorry, no photos or anything more to blog about today.

To see more photos of my time in India, connect with me on Facebook at You can also find me on Twitter as "abcwatson".

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