Friday, July 2, 2010

MICA Orientation

Thursday July 1, 2010:

The day started with a breakfast buffet in the lower courtyard of our dorm area (the "Ashoka" building), with some of the MICA faculty and student volunteers. After breakfast we had several orientations today by MICA faculty and staff. Following that we had a campus tour and lunch in the campus dining area. At 2pm we received our internet access, and everyone had a short amount of time to get online before meeting again to go into Ahmedabad.

In the city we went shopping for cell phones (for those that had pre-purchased Indian SIM cards). I opted to use the international plan on my HTC Android with Sprint instead. We also got grocery items. A few in our group stocked up on American staples such as peanut butter and corn flakes cereal in lieu of so many Indian meals. I only bought extra shampoo, plus some biscuit-like crackers ("Parle-G") to take with my daily medications. I'll take my chances and eat what is served at mealtime. I love Indian food in America, so I figure trying what is here is part of the whole experience!

After shopping we had dinner at a Pizza Hut. The MICA staff wanted us to have something familiar on the first night. I had a personal sized cheese pizza. It tasted quite the same as in the U.S., but the restaurant is a sit-down place with a more formal atmosphere than having pizza in the States. At least if some in our group are longing for "American" food, they now know where to find it.
I took some photos during the campus tour and time in Ahmedabad today, but definitely want to take more (and a few with me in them!). We were back by about 7:30pm and then had the rest of the evening free. I talked with Chris (cell phone) and the kids (Skype), updated my Facebook page and uploaded photos, showered, and then went to bed about midnight. To see more photos of Day One, connect with me on Facebook at You can also find me on Twitter as "abcwatson".

Bible reading from Our Daily Bread devotional today: Acts 11:19-26. The topic was on the history of being called a "Christian", and a call to be a "Christian" not in name only but also in action. My prayer for my time in India, and in the SMU graduate program in general, is that my words and actions will set me apart in such a way that demonstrates my faith in God and brings Him glory.

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